Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sayang Saya Lagi Tak?

tett tett tett...
msg masok... no :: unknown
unknown no: hai
**: hai? sepa ni??
unknown no: **** kan?
**: a...aah...kamu siapa?
unknown no: jap lg kamu tau
**: ok

1/2 jam kemudian...

**: sapa ne??
unknown no: MamaPapa ! ingt lg x???
**: ah?? **** kew??
unknown no: ha, ingt pon... hehehe...
**: bla.. bla... bla....

Where have u been missing?? dah lame dh... datang blk?? ajaib! ahaha... knp bila kita nk meningkat maju, mst anasir2 msa lampau dtg kembali? kenapa?? oh tidak! tp gembira juga bila anasir 2 dtg kembali. TAU TAK KENAPA? masa untuk balas dendam!!!! ahahah..

Dulu, blh2 dia drop org yg syg gler2 kat dia hanya semata mata krn seorg pompuan? ****! sekarang, ble dh eksiden, dh cacat sne sni, patah hati la, apew la pndai lak blk ke pangkal jln.. awt?? dh nmpk cahaya ka? sepa yg suluh? bari sasak aih! hahah... bila d tya knp tetibe msg, jwpn yg d beri adalah " msg sbg kekasih lama!" wah2x...pndai lak wat ayt cair a! name pon kekasih lame, ko xyh la ckp mcm 2...wat geli kowt! pompuan yg ko SKE sgt2 tu ko campak kat mane dh?? ooo...bile ko dh patah hati, ko suh aku amek ko... bru ko nk ngaku aku je yg layak jaga ko..pndai lak ko berfikir an?! ko buat aku panazzz la anasir...

Walau ko kate ko sayang aku, aku takkan nye nk kt ko... ko tau nape?? impression ko yg pertama pon dh buat aku meluat, apa yg buat ko pikir aku nk blk kat ko hah?! bermadah la byk2 kat aku, aku takkan cair lg ngn ko... dh lama aku sabar n aku harap ko brubah, tp dh terlambat kowt...

Walau pon aku maseh single, jgn harap aku akan jd milik ko.
ko ingt ayt 2 smp bile2 ok.... :)

aku takkan lupa apa yang ko buat kat aku dulu. Tapi, aku dh lme lupe kt ko kowt n aku dh lme maafkan ko.. post aku yg sebelum ni, sesuai la utk ko...hahaha...

p/s :: jangan d tya lg pasal aku sayang ko atau tak sebab jawapannya aku dan ko pon sendiri dh tau... :)
I can guide you to fix the past, but, to be with you for rest of my life, I am sorry.. We are not meant to be.

- **** -

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nukilan Saya - fafa-

Kini kita berjauhan
Rindu ini tak tertahan...
Walaupun saling menyayang
Kita roboh kota cinta..

Kembalikan cinta suci
Usah biar ia mati
Usai suda janji- janji
Kita berdua...

Oh sayangku
Berilah ruang untuk seketika
Kita mengerti mengapa begini
BERAKHIRNYA cinta ini...


1 day... a girl meet a guy... then, they both fall in love... most of the time, they spent together... walking to the garden... eat ice-cream at the street...

1 fine evening....
birds flying around the garden...
fish swimming around the lake...
people goes by...
the guy said ' I'll always love you until my last breath'
the girl smiled.....

1 fine night...
the guy propose the girl...
the girl was so happy and said ' I do'...
then they got married...

1 fine morning...
the guy woke up
he look at his wife..
his wife was smile with eyes close...
the guy just scanning her...
until few minutes..............

he does not hear the sound of his wife breath..
he try to tease his wife
still do not have responses..
he panic!
he called the ambulance...
then he cry like a baby.....

1 day...
the guy was cleaning up the room..
suddenly he saw a letter at the lamp table..
it was written by his late wife...

Dear a guy...
I still remember the 1st time we met...
You said I was a beautiful girl that you've ever met...
I smile and smile....
I'm so happy when you say that...
I hope you will keep your 1st sentence that you've said to me..
Please love me until your last breath...
I know I can't love you until your last breath because I know I will gone before you...
I am sorry if I didn't tell you about my disease...
I don't want you to worry more about me...
But I fell glad now because I know that you'll be love me until your last breath..(^^,)
Please take care of yourself..

your love,
a girl

Monday, October 11, 2010

Orang Sebelah Adalah CERMIN

" ingat! org sekeliling kita adalah cermin kite. Dgn itu, baru kita blh perbaiki diri kita" -RMM- betul la tu... Hawa juga dijadikan oleh Allah utk Adam...sebab itu manusia itu diciptakan berpasangan agar saling ingt mengingatkan...kita pon x bole la sdp mulut kaki badan kite je klu nk buat something...kat dunia ni rmai org kowt,so respect la others. klu org komen kamu buat itu x bgos,buat gini x bgos,so dgr la...dorg yg tgk perlakuan kita...bkn kita sndri nk tgk ape yg kita buat..kan??hehe...aku pon sme la...xsuke tgur.. emmm...mksd d sni, not at ol ok..blh tgur, tp ade carenya..dont straight 4ward tgur me ok... hehe... u first muz spoke softly, gently, then go 2 da point... jgn la direct2, 'aku nk tegur sesuatu.. x pyh la komen2 bla bla bla....' mcm g tu pon aku x ske... cra yg btol "fa...emmm...sbnrnye kan, aku x ske ko komen bla bla bla..."...dgn nada yg lembowt gler ok..hahah...aku ni nmpk je cam gengster tp dlm hati ade umah kowt..hahaha..ngehehe.. conclusion:: jgn la marah klu org tego,org tego utk kebaikan...ok? :)