Monday, November 8, 2010

Elaun Dh Mai Dh. :)

Today is Tuesday... ok, elaun dh masok... ahaha.. Satisfy! Seronok gak elaun dh dpt... At least aku bole rancang shopping aku..ahahaha..

Pagi ni aku bgn, ttbe aku ase nk kuarkn sebjibik kete lak.. tah, tak taw duit aku x cukup.. mcm mane tu???

And... aku tlh fikirkan mengenai 'bisnes' yg lecturer kami plankan utk kami... aku ase aku kne join bnda least aku ade money income sampingan..

aku tanak ar depends sgt kt mak bpk aku... aku dh besar, kne cri duit sndri... tp... skrg ni, aku kne bergantung ngn dorg dlu, terpakse la tebalkan mke..ahahah... 2la...susah sikit la klu kite ne seorg yg nk hidup mewah... semua nk bli... haih.....

ok.. elaun tamat di situ...

( Cerita lain)

Kak Ros ske tgkp gmba.. smpkan dia sggp bli kamera
Canon DSR tu yg harge cam nk mati katak tu klu nk dpt... fuh! byk duit dia bai...ahahaha...

hen...suatu hari pada bln September, kiteorg g KLCC.. sje je jln2.. tgk2 mercu kebanggaan Malaysia..

Kemudian, kiteorg g isi perot kt francais 3 abjad tu.. ahahah...
then Kak ros mle snap gmba... aku pon posing la....

Tp... ade 1 gmba 2 dia amek tem aku nk mkn, n time 2 aku tak prepare, tak posing, smua aku x buat, yg hanya aku buat adalah mencubit aym yg nk d masokkan dlm mulot...hahaha tp kan,aku mmg ske gler gmba 2... mmg natural... pandai Kak Ros amek....ahahaha...

Tiba di Sg. Lampam setelah 5 Tahun

Ok... paling last blk kg ayh aku bile aku form 2... 2la last aku pijak kg. tu... tu pun naseb bek parents aku nk g haji, klu tak, haram kowt nk datang..ahaha.. mmg la.. tp dok Labuan pon lg seronok kowt.. ngehehe..

then...wah...kbtulan la sgt! Kak Yumi g dftr msok UKM.., memandangkan Abg Ansori dh bertahun juge tak pijak Sg. Lampam, so dia pakat ngn Abg Jis ngn Kak Ros utk move 2 Telok Anson...ehehe...bergerakkkkkkk!!

Journey starting on morning 16 September 2010... Be ji drive, kami semua jd seater je..ahahaha...
penat gak wlpon duduk je... tp best...lajuuuuuuu...ahaha...

Tgh hari, kami smp kt Teluk Intan...

Abg Sori N Kak Yumi dkt menara condong

kedai yg wujud zaman abg aku kecik

Rumah Wak Tum n Wak Din

hasil aku..amcm??

smp je, wah, wak tum la owg paling hepi... nanges lg....ahaha...tu la perangai wak tum yg owg lain tak bole nk ubah... kami gelak je... abg sori siap sakat lg..ahaha

then, usai solat...kami mkn...aku sbnrnye kenyang gler tgk lauk yg wak tum sdiakan...sdp... tp aku seyes tak bole nk msok... mknan tradisi jawa ni aku mmg ssh nk adapt..haha...sori wak aku mkn gak..(skdr ambl hatinya)

best gak dpt jmp kazen aku...dlu dowg tggi skit je dr aku, tp skrg, tggi byk gler..aku tak smp kowt..ahah...giler! i2 la ank2 paman er... pp,aap,apit... (amir g braya,so x smpt jmp)

Maju: rumah paman aku ade WiFi...
kami x psg ag...ahaha..tgk, maju kan kg ayh aku...??ahaha,,

best la dpt sembang2..ngn bibik yati...windu aku...ahaha...

sblm move 2 umah paman wan, bibik tapaukan kuih2 raya...sdp gler! aku ske..ahaha..sarang semut...:)

finally...kami gerak...lg skali, wak tum nanges lg...abg sori menenagkannnya...ahahaha...lucu2..

p/s: seronok coz dpt duit raya... rm20 + rm30 + rm10 = rm60!!! hahah

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Can't Sleep. Create a Story.

Why I cant sleep tonight?? hhmmm.. actually, there's something bothering me now... ahaha... but I'm glad that I can read a story from someone that hurt me last time... Actually, it is not *** fault but, I still want to consider it as *** fault... ahaha... :p (demon creature in universe)

Ok.. This story open when I was in form 5... I met a guy whose name is hidden through a social networking.. ( at that time, friendster n Myspace is well unknown) ahahha.... lols~

continue with the story,,,,
then, 1 fine day , he ask me to be his girlfren... ok...then,why I agree?? (until today, I still wondering, why I choose this way) just 4 fun or.... ahah... nvm...

from that moment I use to chat with him through YM, webcams and so on... so far as I know, this guy actually have a bad habits that is he love to lie when it comes to the truth,,,ok...(stop there)

our relationship does not long last.. then, we breakup... ( I cry like a stupid poor little girl) ahaha...

then.... entering PLKN in 2008, entering Matriculation college in 2009...finish matriculation in 2010..further study in Maktab in June 2010...ok... how long is it???emm... I count 4 u guys,,,until October... he returns,,, 1 year and 10 months.. isn't it??

ahaha...well...I already forgot about my past and suddenly he appear as Nazi army..wakaka.. I love this part.. here... 1stly, he didn't tell his name, then, I do not bother much bout it... until... I really wanted to know who is she/her/him? ahahah...

he mention about my past, then I realize.. he is a man who cheating on me! ya! it was once upon a time. Why you come back now?? now.. I need to plan a proper good planning here... let time flows as the river... when it is arrived, we wait and see.. I read his ex-girlfriend's blog, and I found a secret.. ahahah...that is the key to my journey... wahahahaha..

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Angan2 aku, Sape Kesah???

" Terasa segalanya
Sempurna tak bercela
Lihat dari hati
Bukannya diri
Bagai puteri menanti putera
Kasih.... Antara kita...... "

mendalam tak MAKSUD ayat di atas??

Well... Aku baru je dpt tgk habis citer scseto... ahahah... selama ni, ade je kat lappy ni, tp x pena bukak pon...

Then ade 1 part dlm movie tu yg mainkan lagu di ats... ahahah...

sekarang... asl aku bukak citer tu je, aku trus 4ward g part tu... juz 2 hear the song.. so nice~ so arrogant... kah3x...

tu la tu.... dunia aku penuh ngan angan2...

Sebenarnya dr kecik lg aku angan2 nk jd stewardess... sebab, 2je job paling sopan bg wanita utk trus berada dekt dgn awan...

tp... malangnya..... ketinggian aku tak mencapai tahap & serupa dgn saiz...ahahha

Tp... aku bersyukur.... sebab... aku dh jd future teacher.... bile aku dh grade, aku kuar sebgi Real Teacher & aku bole travel sne sni... at least aku dpt nek bhn yg cecah awan... ahahah...

2ndly, aku juge teringin nk kawen ngn mamat yg hensem, putih, medium tinggi n so on~

tp... bile aku dh besar, baru aku sedar... kita patot cermin diri dulu... sebab... org kate ...ukur baju d badan sendiri... bru kita taw saiz kita mcm mana kan..ahahah

walaupun bgtu....aku masih mengharap gak aku dpt karekter lelaki mcm i2 sampingan ok?? yg dominant nya ialah BERIMAN & BERAMAL SOLEH.... bru bole didik ank2 aku...ahaha

Lastly, dr kecik aku nk sgt jd ank org kaya, dpt shoping, umah besau, duit poket belambak, kete ferrari.. emm ape lg?? kwn rmai... pastu aku bole wat rumah orphanage ngn oldfolk gne duit tabung ( duit sumber bpk aku bg) ... ha...tu la cita2 aku....

tp bak kata org jugak lg... tgk la diri tu ko alhamdulillah je... tak capai tahap kaya pon...

tp aku ta kesa...aku nk crik duit aku, pastu buat umah2 yg aku idamkan tu.... bakal2 org tua & ank yatim, marilah sama2 tolong aku gapai impian aku ne.... aku nk korunk pon dpt hak sama cam aku.... OK??

salam syg,